Yutaka Yasui

Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Biostatistics and Epidemiologic Methods
Health Senior Scholar of Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
Mailing Address:
3-261 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405 87th Ave
Edmonton Alberta CANADA T6G 1C9
Phone: 650-736-6614 / 780-492-4220
Fax: 780-492-0364

Dr. Yasui received a Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering from Kyoto University (Japan) in 1989 and a PhD in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (Baltimore, USA) in 1994.
He worked in the Department of Health Policy and Management, Injury Prevention Center, and Health Services and Development Center at Johns Hopkins in 1994-1995, and then in the Cancer Prevention Research Program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and the Department of Biostatistics at University of Washington (Seattle, USA) in 1995-2004. He joined the Department of Public Health Sciences in November 2004.
His research is focused on developing and applying biostatistical and epidemiologic methods in the intersection of biology and clinical/public health sciences, especially on quantitative issues in biomarker discovery research.
His collaborative research areas include:
•Biostatistical/Epidemiologic Methods
•Cancer Epidemiology & Biomarkers
•Social & Environmental Epidemiology
•Late Effects of Childhood Cancer and its Therapy
•Health Services Research
He has been involved in over 50 peer-review-funded research projects as the principal investigator or a co-investigator, and is an author of over 200 peer-reviewed publications. He served as a Regular Member in the Cancer Biomarker Study Section of the US National Institute of Health in 2004-2007.
He teaches:
•PHS 598 Biostatistics I (2006, 2007, 2008)
•PHS 698 Biostatistics II (2004, 2005)
•PHS 798 Biostatistics III (2008, 2009, 2010)
and received:
•Advising, Mentoring, and Teaching Recognition Award
from The Student Assembly, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. May 1995.
•1994 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching/Advising
from Student Coordinating Committee, Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. May 1995.
•2006-2007, 2008-2009 Teaching Award of Excellence
from Public Health Sciences Student Association, Department of Public Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Alberta.
Selected Recent Publications:
Methodological work:
1: Savu A, Liu Q, Yasui Y. Estimation of relative risk and prevalence ratio. Statistics in Medicine 2010, Jun 18.
2: Martínez JM, Benach J, Benavides FG, Muntaner C, Clèries R, Zurriaga O,
Martínez-Beneito MA, Yasui Y. Improving multilevel analyses: the integrated
epidemiologic design. Epidemiology 2009, Jul;20(4):525-32.
3: Savu A, Potter JD, Li S, Yasui Y. Breast cancer and microbial cancer incidence in female populations around the world: A surprising hyperbolic association. International Journal of Cancer 2008 123(5): 1094-9.
4: Adewale AJ, Dinu I, Potter JD, Liu Q, Yasui Y. Pathway analysis of microarray data via. regression. Journal of Computational Biology 2008, 15(3): 269-277.
5: Adewale AJ, Liu Q, Dinu I, Lampe PD, Mitchell BL, Yasui Y. A cautionary note on the evaluation of biomarkers of subtypes of a single disease. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008, 168(6): 559-562.
6: Dinu I, Potter JD, Mueller T, Liu Q, Adewale AJ, Jhangri GS, Einecke G, Famulski KS, Halloran P, Yasui Y. Improving gene set analysis of microarray data by SAM-GS. BMC Bioinformatics 2007 8:242.
7: Liu Q, Dinu I, Adewale AJ, Potter JD, Yasui Y. Comparative evaluation of gene-set analysis methods. BMC Bioinformatics 2007 8(1):431.
8: Martinez JM, Benach J, Ginebra J, Benavides FG, Yasui Y. An Integrated Analysis of Individual and Aggregated Health Data Using Estimating Equations. International Journal of Biostatistics 2007 3:(1):10.
Collaborative/Application work:
1: Taylor VM, Jackson JC, Yasui Y, Nguyen TT, Woodall E, Acorda E, Li L, Ramsey
S. Evaluation of a cervical cancer control intervention using lay health workers
for vietnamese american women. American Journal of Public Health 2010 Oct;100(10):1924-9.
2: Beresford SA, Thompson B, Bishop S, Macintyre J, McLerran D, Yasui Y.
Long-term fruit and vegetable change in worksites: Seattle 5 a Day follow-up. Amercian
Journal of Health Behavior 2010 Nov-Dec;34(6):707-20.
3: Winget M, Hossain S, Yasui Y, Scarfe A. Characteristics of patients with stage
III colon adenocarcinoma who fail to receive guideline-recommended treatment.
Cancer 2010 Jun 24.
4: Wasilewski-Masker K, Liu Q, Yasui Y, Leisenring W, Meacham LR, Hammond S,
Meadows AT, Robison LL, Mertens AC. Late recurrence in pediatric cancer: a report
from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Journal of National Cancer Institute 2009 Dec
5: Taylor VM, Teh C, Lam W, Acorda E, Li L, Coronado G, Yasui Y, Bajdik C, Hislop
G. Evaluation of a hepatitis B educational ESL curriculum for Chinese immigrants.
Canadian Journal of Public Health 2009 Nov-Dec;100(6):463-6.
6: Leisenring WM, Mertens AC, Armstrong GT, Stovall MA, Neglia JP, Lanctot JQ,
Boice JD Jr, Whitton JA, Yasui Y. Pediatric cancer survivorship research:
experience of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2009 May
7: Bowker SL, Yasui Y, Veugelers P, Johnson JA. Glucose-lowering agents and cancer mortality rates in type 2 diabetes: assessing effects of time-varying exposure.
Diabetologia 2010 Aug;53(8):1631-7.
8: Friedenreich CM, Woolcott CG, McTiernan A, Ballard-Barbash R, Brant RF, Stanczyk FZ, Terry T, Boyd NF, Yaffe MJ, Irwin ML, Jones CA, Yasui Y, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Karvinen KH, Wang Q, Courneya KS. Alberta physical activity and breast cancer prevention trial: sex hormone changes in a year-long exercise intervention among postmenopausal women . Journal of Clinical Oncology 2010 Mar 20;28(9):1458-66.